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Inside The Mind Of A Murderer - Psychology & Psychiatry - Sociopathy & Psychopathy

Updated on January 10, 2015
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Marc Hubs is a writer/researcher on mind, science, and conspiracy. He is the author of "Know Your Enemy: Reflections of NPD."

Inside The Mind
Inside The Mind | Source

Medical Help

After her court case, Yvonne Freany was given professional medical assistance to help her with her then-current mental health problems. Had she not received this help it's very possible that her mental state could have become increasingly exacerbated by external factors and without that medical help, she may have even gone on to develop extreme issues with members of the opposite gender.

Extreme circumstances, if imposed for long enough, can cause devastating effects on a person's mental health and can even cause some people to go on to become serial killers. For example, the person who found out they caught HIV off one of their previous lovers then went around injecting people with it (yes, this happened!) or the woman who was abused so much by men throughout her life that she went on to kill seven of them.

They clearly didn't get the professional help they needed in time and went on to become murderers, despite their initial cases probably being manslaughter. It seems that, without medical help, people who have developed mental health issues as a result of such circumstances also begin to develop a complete lack of empathy for people that they associate with their abuser(s) and could even go on to kill several of them.

Does this make them a murderer?

No, it doesn't as their mental condition is a result of abuse and is therefore provoked.

Does this make them a narcissist?

No, it doesn't because they still have empathy for other people such as their close family and friends yet they would be seen as murderers in the eyes of the law because the killings have become pre-meditated/calculated.

However, if continued without the appropriate medical help the consequences can spiral out of control and empathy, guilt, conscience and/or shame could eventually become repressed or over-ridden.

These types of cases are often down to something called 'task motivators' in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). People's behaviours are ultimately a result of these task motivators and, according to NLP, behind every motivation there is always a good intention.

What Makes A Murderer?

  • What is it that makes one person capable of killing another?
  • Is it revenge?
  • Hate? Anger? Escapism?
  • A combination of all of them?
  • Or something else entirely?

Here is an interesting fact which is generally well-known within the mental health community:

All rapists and/or murderers are narcissists but not all narcissists are rapists and/or murderers.

In order to understand this statement accurately we first need to distinguish the difference between a murderer and someone who has killed another person - there is a very distinct difference. Consider the following fact:

On 1st July 2011 a UK woman was cleared of murder after killing her 11-year old child. The decision was based on the fact that she was distraught, distressed and at the end of her tether after suffering long-term domestic abuse at the hands of several of her husbands. She had decided that she had no place left in this world and that she was going to commit suicide but did not want to leave her child to go through the same suffering that she had to.

The Difference Between Murder And Manslaughter

In the above case, despite ultimately being driven to what she did, the case was initially seen as being pre-meditated - in other words, what she did was calculated. She had thought it over first and planned it out and the killing did not take place in the heat of the moment therefore the case was classed as murder and not manslaughter.

However, the clear fact in this case is that the woman was desperate to escape and suicide was the only way out that she could see. She had to escape but could not do so without leaving her child in a vulnerable position and therefore, as far as she was concerned, she had to come up with a plan to save both her and her child - which meant death for them both. However, she did not get as far as actually killing herself and on the same day as killing her son she was found in her hotel room after slicing her wrists and taking an overdose. Yvonne Freaney ended up facing charges of murder in a UK court of law which she was later cleared of; she later admitted to manslaughter.

The true fact of this matter is that anybody can be driven to killing another person, so long as the right buttons are pressed for long enough.

Freaney was clearly living an extremely stressful lifestyle and additionally being physically abused. She was not just caring for her son, Glen, but was also caring for her other three children who suffered with ADHD, dyspraxia and Asperger's syndrome.

As Freaney was arrested she stated (talking about her son, Glen) "It's funny. He was laughing when I was strangling him. That is when I knew he was happy. I had to do it because now no one can point fingers at him. My only regret is that I couldn't end my own life."

Glen, who was just eleven years old at the time, suffered extreme autism, communicated using a computer by tapping symbols on the screen and still wore nappies. The fact that all four of Freaney's children suffered with neurobehavioural disorders speaks volumes on it's own merit and is highly unlikely simply a set of coincidences. There was clearly something very wrong in the family which adversely affected the neurological functioning of the children, whether it be a result of a genetic predisposition on the father's side of the family or a result of their upbringing or perhaps a combination of both. In addition, Freaney had suffered physical abuse at the hands of her husband since 1996.

The circumstances are enough to drive anyone crazy but technically she is not a murderer. Murder is not just when a killing (or more) is pre-meditated and carried out but also when it's carried out in cold blood, often without reason or for a menial one. Everybody is potentially capable of killing another person.

The Psychopath In Action

The term 'psychopath' could be used to describe a wide range of symptoms and comes from the words 'psychological' and 'pathological' therefore the word could actually be used to describe anyone who suffers with any kind of psychopathological disorder. However, when we think of a 'psychopath' or a 'psycho' we immediately get the impression of a psychotic murdering maniac although this may not necessarily be the case.

There is no official diagnosis of being a psychopath, instead we have the diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder, a misleading title. You could be forgiven for thinking that this diagnosis could be applied to youths who consistently carry out antisocial behaviour - but this is nothing to do with it. Narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths can all be considered to be varying subtypes of psychopathy at different levels of the spectrum. If you find yourself in the presence of either a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath then look out!

A narcissist lacks empathy whereas a sociopath lacks shame and guilt and a psychopath lacks conscience. All of them have one thing in common - they are all missing something vital to the social functioning of human life. Sociopaths and psychopaths also lack empathy, just as the narcissist does, making them narcissists also which is why all rapists and murders are narcissists although recent research shows that some psychopaths are capable of 'switching on' their empathy whenever they feel the need to. However, with narcissists their empathy is usually all just an act, albeit a flawless one. It's also not unusual for these symptoms to overlap with each.

Although narcissists and sociopaths may be capable of committing rape or murder many of them do not ever commit such crimes. However, they do view other people as nothing more than objects or bit-parts in a play which revolves around them - and they are the director! If their 'play' doesn't go how they want it to then something, or someone, needs to be scrapped which, to the psychopath, is no different to throwing away an old sofa. For this reason these types of people are more likely to carry out what I refer to as psychological murder: inflicted suicide.

It's generally well known that all narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths are abusers, either emotionally, mentally, physically, sexually or a combination of several. They are self-entitled and the 'actors' in their 'play' which they call life are just props which need to be discarded if they are not doing their job. Although EEG's show a lack of functioning in the relevant parts of the brain in narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths it is generally unknown whether these extreme disorders are a result of a genetic deficiency, a result of upbringing over generations or a combination of both. However, it is well known that most narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths come from dysfunctional families and that a lack of activity in these parts of the brain can cause them to become dormant anyway. That is, when these parts of the brain are not used then EEG's begin to show a lack of activity in these regions also. In simpler terms, the same way that the conscious mind feeds the subconscious mind with data and vice versa, neurological functioning influences the programming of the genes and vice versa.

By Sparkster

Also See:

© 2012 Marc Hubs


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